JESWRI — MTN Australia Achromatic
This page is Q&A section of the Achromatic Competition Blog with artist Jeswri. To view the full blog article, including links to other artists Q&A or to view all submission, click this link:>MTN Challanges Australia Graffiti Community
Jeswri who put together this banger wall ‘Boppers’ carved out a little extra time to answer a few rapid fire questions regarding his entry in the MTN Australia Achromatic Competition.
View his responses below.

- Briefly introduce yourself and your art
My government name is definitely not JESWRI. My artwork is called ‘Boppers’ and it’s based on the cult classic, The Warriors. I depicted the radio host and the leader of the baseball furies. Anyone who’s anyone has seen this movie.
- How did you come up with your Achromatic concept?
I came up with my concept when I was having a (rare) night off and I chucked on The Warriors. Wasn’t much to it. Just really enjoy painting things I like.
- What challenges did you face and overcome with the limitations of only Black and White?
I work in predominantly black and white, so this was right up my ally. I have a strong point which uses solid colour therefore creating a unique style of shading as opposed to fading and using overspray. I think the only challenge I faced was that I should’ve given myself more time and somehow found myself painting in pissy Melbourne weather.
- What techniques can you share about your process, did you find certain techniques helpful?
If you dry the wall whilst it’s still raining, it has no effect. Shout outs to wet weather.
- What is one thing/lesson you learned while doing the Achromatic challenge?
Go big or go home.
- If you were to do it again, what would you do differently?
I’d leave myself more time to take my time as opposed to rushing my work. I’d definitely get a bit funkier next time. Also, I’d choose to NOT do it on brick whilst standing on a wet ladder.

Jesse Wright, sometimes shortened to JESWRI, is an artist and illustrator living in Melbourne. Leaving advertising world to pursue a full-time career as an artist Jeswri began working with the likes of Young Henry’s, MTV, Foo Fighters, Adobe, Samsung and Sony and some of the biggest names in New Japan Pro-Wrestling.