ORDER55 — MTN Australia Achromatic
This page is Q&A section of the Achromatic Competition Blog with artist Order. To view the full blog article, including links to other artists Q&A or to view all submission, click this link:>MTN Challanges Australia Graffiti Community
Adelaide based artist Order55, style is immediately identifiable, and outstanding to see his entry in our comp.
Order took out 2nd place in the GRAFFITI category and shares a little insight into his Achromatic entry.
Check out his response to our 5 rapid fire questions below.

- Briefly introduce yourself and your art
Order55. Earth based. Exploring uncharted spaces. Seeking fusion between organic and man made worlds through creative protocols.
- How did you come up with your Achromatic concept?
It was conceived in the freestyle zone. One line leads to another. One shape informs the next.
- What challenges did you face and overcome with the limitations of only Black and White?
The challenge is knowing when to stop.
- What techniques can you share about your process, did you find certain techniques helpful?
Paint fast, use fat caps, trust your instincts, feel it.
- What is one thing/lesson you learned while doing the Achromatic challenge?
There are always more places to go.
- If you were to do it again, what would you do differently?
I would get more technical.

Order55 is an Adelaide-based professional graffiti artist with 15 years experience who began his painting practice with murals at age of 13.
He has continued to develop his professional career as a graffiti artist and community artist working with councils throughout Adelaide and regional South Australia since 2008.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/order55/